Saturday, December 9, 2006

The very beginning.. Introducing *jenk jenk jenk* vienna's world.. LOL?


As this is the very beginning,should i introduce myself? hmmph.. maybe i should ^^


1) Is the name- was named after the City Of Music in Austria (its special and meaningful to me)

2) Loves music - piano,violin,i wana learn guitar n drum too!

3) Enjoy laughing - i mean alot!
whats the mean of life if u r feeling sad all the time? SO BE HAPPY & CHEER UP everyone! *spread the laughter*

4) Love Squash, Football - Manchester Uniter!, F1-Kimi Raikkonen

5) Adores Lee Ryan, Andy Chen 0.6, Vic, Lee Hom (^^,)

5) Believes in miracle~ Believes live is full of fun~ Believes if u can dream it, u can achieve it, Just Do It!Believes in true love~ Believes life is simple~

Vienna thinks that

1) *A smile a day,keeps the doctor away* u dont need apple! haha
2) Smiling leads to a happy lifeTherefore,u'll live a problem-free,complication-free & controversy-free life
3) Lay a smile on ur face,even the toughest problem would melt away. Anything tough would turn simple n easy in an instant
4) A smile makes everything seems simple
5) A smile is the start of a friendship....
Smile = Happy
Smile = Solves problem
Smile = Health
Smile = Friends
Smile = Love
Smile = Peace

So why not?A smile makes the world a better place.
So dont be stingy of a smile,start "cheese-ing" from now onwards..hahaha

By, Vienna

[copied from friendster]

*~Welcome to my world~*

(thanks to Julian for the name,babyVv is "born"!! hahaha~)